Advice and answers from the Scalenut Team

Written by Scalenut

Optimize your URL for search

Learn how to create concise, descriptive, and user-friendly URLs that align with search engine algorithms.

What is the URL?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, the address of a specific online resource.

The URL for a search typically depends on the specific search engine you are using.

Improving the URLs for search engines can enhance search engine rankings, user experience, link sharing, and branding. Therefore, paying attention to this aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial.

Why is it important to optimize URLs for search engines?

Optimizing URLs for search engines is important for several reasons:

Improved search engine ranking: Search engines use several factors to determine the relevance and usefulness of website content to users, including URLs. Having a well-optimized URL can boost a page's ranking in search results.

User experience: Having a clear, concise, and descriptive URL can assist users in comprehending what a page is about even before they click on it. It can enhance the user experience and raise the chances of users clicking on your link.

Link sharing: Having a well-optimized URL is crucial to increase the likelihood of others clicking and visiting your website when it is shared on social media or other platforms.

Branding: Having a consistent and memorable URL structure can reinforce your brand and make it easier for users to recognize and remember your website. It can ultimately lead to a better user experience and increased brand loyalty.

How to optimize URLs for search engines?

After completing your article's first draft, you should check the SEO Score of your content in the editor. You can do this by going to the 'Optimize Section' on the right-hand side, where you will find the average and top scores for the article and the suggested SEO score. Aiming for a score as close to the top as possible is important, or at least to match the suggested SEO score

There are 9 parameters that govern the SEO Score of an article. In this blog, we are going to discuss the ‘URL’ and how you can optimize it for search engines.

For Example -

  • Current URL permalink length is 39 char(s). Suggested is 1 - 60 char(s)
  • Primary keyword should be present in the URL permalink

You can either work on our recommendations manually or take the help of our newly launched feature, ‘Fix It.’ - your magical content optimization wand. All you need to do is click on ‘Fix It’ and it will redirect you to a suggestion screen.

If you agree to the suggestion, click ‘Replace,’ and the tool will change it. But if you don’t, click ‘Dismiss’ and move on to the next suggestion.

Apart from the instructions given by our AI, you can also click on ‘Suggestions’ to view your suggested Permalinks.

Note -

Symbols are useful for communicating the level of attention required for instruction or task.

  • Red cross = Major issue needing immediate attention
  • Orange tick = Minor issue or opportunity for improvement
  • Green double tick = Perfection. 

Ready to learn how you can check your competitor’s SEO Score? Head over to our next blog post to dive into the details! 
