Advice and answers from the Scalenut Team

Written by Scalenut

Insert Relevant Outbound Links

Optimize your website's linking strategy and harness the power of outbound links to boost credibility, drive traffic, and provide valuable resources.

Discover how to improve your website's credibility and provide valuable resources to your audience through outbound links. This guide is perfect for website owners and content creators, covering reliable sources and tips for linking to external sites.

What are Outbound Links?

Outbound links, also known as external links, direct users from one webpage to another outside of the current domain or website. Website owners and content creators commonly use these links to provide additional resources and information to their readers and establish connections and relationships with other websites. 

Outbound links can reference sources, cite information, and provide further reading or related content. They are an important aspect of website optimization and can help improve a website's credibility and authority by linking to reputable sources.

Why is it Important to Insert Relevant Outbound Links?

It is important to insert relevant outbound links in your content for several reasons.

  1. Enhance Credibility: Adding relevant outbound links to your content guides readers to trustworthy sources, boosting credibility and establishing you as a reliable knowledge source.

  2. Improve SEO: Including outbound links in your content signals to search engines that it's connected to authoritative sources and can lead to higher rankings.

  3. Generate Backlinks: External websites may notice your citations and links, potentially leading to backlinks from them. These backlinks are crucial for off-page SEO and building industry connections.

How do you Insert Relevant Outbound Links?

After completing your article's first draft, you should check the SEO Score of your content in the editor. You can do this by going to the 'Optimize Section', where you will find the average and top scores for the article and the suggested SEO score.

There are 9 parameters that govern the SEO Score of an article. In this blog, we are going to discuss the ‘Links’ and how you can insert the relevant ones.

In this case, the existing outbound links are meeting the SEO standards. 

If not, the suggestions would look like-

  • Current outbound link count is 0. Suggested is 6 - 12

  • Use the following displayed links to increase SEO score

If there is an issue, you need to work on it manually. Just place the cursor, click on the suggested link and it will get added. Else, you can also hyperlink to any particular word.

Note -

Symbols are useful for communicating the level of attention required for instruction or task.

Red cross = Major issue needing immediate attention

Orange tick = Minor issue or opportunity for improvement

Green double tick = Perfection. 
