Advice and answers from the Scalenut Team

Meenakshi Majumder
Written by Meenakshi Majumder

How to Generate a Solid outline within Cruise Mode?

From brainstorming ideas to arranging key points, this guide will equip you to streamline your writing process and deliver impactful results.

Creating a good outline for your blog post is fundamental in crafting compelling, engaging, and effective content. It helps you save time, organize your thoughts, communicate your message, enhance readability, and improve your search engine rankings.

What are the parameters of a good outline?

  • Clear and logical structure

  • Concise and descriptive labels

  • Adequate depth with supporting details

  • Flexibility for adjustments

  • Alignment with writing objectives

  • Engaging headers and subpoints

In short, a well-crafted outline provides a roadmap for your blog post. It ensures that your ideas flow logically and coherently, making it easier for readers to follow. Now that we are done covering the basics, here’s how you can generate a good outline using Scalenut’s Cruise Mode -


On the left side of your screen, the outlines tab displays automated outlines generated by the tool. You can use these outlines to customize blog headings, questions, and call-to-actions or use them as-is. 

You also have the option to toggle the 'Highlight Key Terms' feature, located at the top of the screen. When enabled, it will display cyan highlights indicating the key natural language processing (NLP) terms from the top-ranked outlines on the right. 

This feature can help you identify important terms and ensure your content is optimized for SEO and relevance.

Quick Tip:  You can now download the generated outlines in either pdf or Word or copy them to the clipboard. Or, regenerate the entire outline till you find your best match.


On the right-hand side of your screen, in the Top Outlines tab, you can see a headings breakdown of the top 10/20/30 ranking pages on SERP for your keyword. 

You can choose the appropriate H2 and H3 for your content from here by clicking on the heading. Once a header is selected, it will be striked in the column to avoid repetition. 

You can also get an idea of what content to add to a specific H2 - by hovering over the eye button next to the heading. It will show you the content covered under it.


You can click on the headings in your Outline to edit its text, add an H3 under it, or delete the heading altogether. 

The down arrow next to ‘H2’ or ‘H3’ also lets you change the hierarchy of the titles. 

You can also write your own headings into the text field or click the ‘AI suggestions’ button to get heading ideas from Scalenut AI based on its deep analysis.

 Drag and reorder these headings as per the flow of your blog post.

💡Suggested Shortcuts in Outline Section of Cruise Mode - 

• Press the Tab button to change an H2 to H3. 

• Press Shift + Tab to change an H3 to H2. 

• Press Enter to write a new H2 or H3.


With our Cruise Mode, you can easily cater to your audience's queries by incorporating questions from the FAQ section. Adding questions is optional, and you can skip them if they don't align with your content requirements. 

To start adding questions, switch to the 'Questions' tab on your screen's right-hand side. Here, you'll find a list of commonly asked questions about your keyword sourced from Quora, Google, and Reddit. You can filter the questions based on the platform by clicking the icons. 

In addition, Scalenut also generates AI-generated questions that you can include in your content. To add a question to your content, click on it, and it will be added to the questions section of your outline.

You can modify the question by editing it or reorder it by dragging it from the left. If you no longer need a question, you can delete it by selecting the bin icon. Or, can add your questions or rely on our AI to suggest questions.


Next, choose your call to action (CTA), which is a statement that motivates your target audience to take a specific action.

You can easily select the most suitable CTA from the dropdown menu provided. 

Once you have selected it, click the 'Generate Writing Points' button at the bottom to proceed to the next step.
