Advice and answers from the Scalenut Team

Written by Meenakshi Majumder

Keyword Planner : Overview and Benefits

Keyword Planner assists to develop topical authority, increase content rankings and drive organic traffic to your website.

In the fiercely competitive digital landscape, establishing a strong online presence and becoming an industry authority is vital. That's where Keyword Planner comes in – a powerful tool that enhances your online visibility and connects with your target audience.

At its core, Keyword Planner revolves around a central theme, offering a collection of related topics. You can create contextually relevant content that establishes your niche authority by leveraging these keywords.

It enables a robust internal linking framework, showcasing your expertise and enhancing user navigation for an improved experience.
Let us now delve deeper into understanding why you need to use Scalenut’s Keyword Planner. 

1.Effortlessly Organise and Strategize Your Content with Keyword Planner

Keyword Planner helps improve your website's organization and online presence. It enhances context, authority, and relevance, creating a clear and well-planned site architecture that attracts and engages your target audience.

When you strategically structure your content pages and use keyword clusters, you can dominate various categories of keywords in organic search results. 

2. Establish Your Expertise with Keyword Planner and Outshine Competitors

Keyword Planner has a valuable feature that can enhance your SEO practices. It creates topic cluster pages connected to a pillar page and helps to demonstrate your blog's authority on a specific topic. 

This structure improves the user experience by providing comprehensive information and signals to search engines that your website is an expert in the industry. 

3. Supercharge Your Content Production Speed with Keyword Planner

With Scalenut's AI-driven technology, the research and planning process is streamlined, allowing you to focus on creating amazing content.

Our advanced algorithms analyze data to conduct thorough research. So, the keyword clusters generated are ready-to-use, saving you time and effort of manual research. But that's not all - You can also find comprehensive SEO reports on top-ranking articles within your industry, providing valuable insights into successful content strategies. 

4. Craft Comprehensive Content with Keyword Clusters

Scalenut’s Keyword Planner generates keyword clusters that you can use to create content centered around a core topic. This approach allows you to address the various pain points users encounter at different conversion funnel stages.

When you consistently provide solutions to potential customers' problems, you establish yourself as a reliable source of information and increase the likelihood that they will turn to you when they are ready to convert.

5. Boost Your Rankings and Linking Opportunities with Keyword Planner

Hub and cluster pages are one effective way to boost your content's visibility and authority. You can serve as the central hub by creating pillar pages on specific topics using the Keyword Planner. 

These pages can then be linked to multiple cluster pages that delve into sub-topics in-depth. This linking structure can improve your content's organization and increase its ranking potential.

6. Keyword Planner helps build Topical Authority

Keyword Planner is essential for building topical authority by providing relevant keyword and topic insights that align with your target audience's interests. By optimizing your content and website for high-performing keywords, you can rank higher in search engine results pages. 

Furthermore, Keyword Planner helps you identify related keywords and phrases to enhance your content and establish yourself as a credible source of information. 

7. Keyword Planner lets you enable Keyword Gap Settings.

The keyword gap is the difference between the keywords your target audience uses to search and the keywords you have optimized your website or content for. 

Therefore, it's important to thoroughly understand the keywords used by your target audience to improve your website's ranking and visibility on search engines. Scalenut’s Keyword Gap Settings makes it convenient for you to track every keyword movement at one place.

8. Click to View Titles for the Keyword

With this feature, users can delve deeper into the titles associated with the selected keyword. It allows for a comprehensive examination of the content landscape, providing valuable insights into the content types that are popular within the keyword's niche. 

Analyzing these titles can aid in understanding audience preferences, identifying trending topics, and refining content strategies to better align with user interests and search intent.

9.Now view Top Domains for each cluster

This functionality enables users to access a list of top domains within each keyword cluster. By examining the leading domains associated with specific clusters of keywords, users can gain valuable intelligence about industry leaders, competitors, and prominent players within their niche. 

This insight is instrumental in strategic decision-making, competitive analysis, and identifying potential collaboration opportunities with key players in the field. 

Please note this feature is only available for Pro and Ltd users.


If you want to enhance your content strategy, establish subject matter expertise, and drive higher conversion rates, Scalenut's keyword planner is the ultimate tool to unlock your website's full potential.
